7 available formats from ¥1,250.00 to ¥79,000.00
About the artwork
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About the Artist
Gabriel GomezBorn in Caracas, Venezuela, Gabriel Gomez is a photographer specialising in portraiture and fashion, with an artistic career spanning nine years. Gabriel first studied photography at the Chaplin Academy of the Performing Arts at the age of 18, then continued his exploration of the arts until he was 20, obtaining his degree in Audiovisual Studies and Photography. His interest stems from various sources: the documentary photography of Luis Brito inspired him to explore this field, as well as surrealism, fashion, and architecture. An accomplished photographer of Venezuelan fashion brands for almost a decade now, he won the prize for best documentary work and best silhouette at the Fila Awards in 2013. He studied at the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Fotográficos in Caracas and his fashion and portraiture editorials have been published in magazines such as L'Officiel, Wild Dogs à Paris, Dream Magazine, Lustre Magazine, Mudish Magazine, Raro Magazine, Wul colectivo, fisheye, and more.
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